Genotoxic Effects of Pollution on Different Fish Species
Aquatic ecosystems are critical indicators of environmental health, yet they are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic pollution. Industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, urbanization, and improper waste management introduce pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pharmaceuticals, and microplastics into water bodies. These contaminants induce genotoxic effects in fish, key bioindicators of aquatic health, leading to DNA damage, oxidative stress, and chromosomal abnormalities. Such effects compromise fish reproduction, growth, and population sustainability, posing significant ecological risks. This mini-review explores the primary sources of aquatic pollutants, their mechanisms of genotoxicity, and documented impacts on fish species. Understanding the interplay between pollution and genotoxicity is essential for safeguarding aquatic biodiversity and ensuring the resilience of freshwater ecosystems.
A comprehensive review on Application of Nanotechnology in Food Industries
Nanotechnology emerges as a ground breaking technology with applications across various industries like food, medicine, and agriculture. In the realm of food industry advancements, nanotechnology plays a pivotal role. Its utilization in food processing enhances the quality of food by amplifying taste, flavour, and bioavailability. Moreover, it contributes to prolonging the shelf life of products. Within the domain of food safety, nanotechnology bolsters barrier properties significantly, aiding in the identification of infections and toxins in food items. Additionally, it is instrumental in crafting intelligent packaging solutions while performing antibacterial functions in food packaging. Despite its myriad benefits, there exists a potential risk associated with nanoparticle exposure to human health. Thus, establishing a robust
regulatory framework is crucial to mitigate any adverse effects linked to nanotechnology applications. This comprehensive evaluation focuses on categorizations, safety considerations, and the role of nanotechnology in ensuring food safety and packaging integrity.
Hydrothermally Processed Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Wastewater Treatment: A Mini Review
The sustainable development of every society is directly linked to the creation of new ways and technology for managing its environmental quality. The utilization of nanoparticles (NPs) has become a highly effective method for wastewater cleanup due to its inherent characteristics such as size, surface properties, and quantum effects. The inherent characteristics of these NPs have expanded their use in addressing the qualitative strain on water supplies. The objective of this review is to evaluate the application of hydrothermally synthesized nanoparticles in the removal of both organic and inorganic pollutants from wastewater. Hydrothermal processing is an essential method of thermochemical conversion which is utilized to transform biomass into biofuel or beneficial products. In general, the procedure is conducted under pressures and temperatures ranging from 4 to 22 MPa and 250 to 374°C, respectively. When the biomass is exposed to water, it is decomposed into minuscule constituents that can be repurposed. The selection of process parameters, including temperature, pressure, and duration, is determined by the desired products, which may include bio-oil, biogas, or bio-carbon. The current review provides an analysis of photocatalytic nanomaterials that have been employed in effluent treatment via hydrothermal processing. Consequently, current research has been focused on the development of an efficient method for degrading organic water pollutants for the past two decades. A significant proportion of the manuscript is dedicated to nanoparticles, nanostructures, and composites produced via hydrothermal means; all these components have been effectively implemented in the remediation of various types of dye wastewaters.
A review on photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants
Nanoscience and nanotechnology have changed the world. Materials with dimensions smaller than 100 nanometers are called nanomaterials. The high surface to volume ratio makes the nanomaterials suitable for various application especially photocatalytic degradation. Photo degradation is the process by which a substance is broken down into simpler compounds due to exposure to light, it also involves the chemical break down of pollutants in the presence of light. The present review explores the degradation mechanism of the nano photocatalyst as well as the performance of various nanomaterials on organic contaminants degradation.
Dietary Habits: Role in the Development and Treatment of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is one of the major cancers in females. As a worldwide concern, determining crucial factors of cervical cancer is beneficial for the prevention strategies. Due to the function of nutrition factors or diet for cancer, the aim was to describe the effect of vitamin, non-nutritional, and nutritional factors in cervical cancer phases. It is observed that micronutrients, trace elements, and Mediterranean diet have a crucial effect in minimizing the chances of cervical cancer, as well as, westernized diet, milk, snacks, and salt were determined as high-risk food factors. Thus, a diet enrich in nutrition can prove to be helpful for the cure of cervical cancer and may decreases the chances of getting this disease. However, additional investigation is also required for different countries.
Nutritional attributes of the millets: A source for alleviating nutritional hunger
Green revolution led to food security in our country with high levels of crop production. With course of time food security got stronger and the need of nutritional security was felt. The new cultivars developed during that duration provided food to the increasing population of the country but the nutritional hunger became a grim issue. Millets are the diverse crops which are having biotic and abiotic resistance and along with that it has got a high nutritional value. This nutritional value is so diverse that it almost overcomes the deficiency caused due to the consumption of other staple crops. This review gives a glimpse of the nutritional attributes of the millets and provides a comprehensive idea for their consumption in the human diet.
Protein based edible inks for 4D and 5D food printing
4D printing is the result of 3D printing intelligent materials that respond to different stimuli to produce new goods. 4D printing has so far been successfully used in a wide range of fields, including engineering, food processing, medical equipment, and computer components. Research investigations on 4D and 5D printing have significantly increased during the last two years. With the use of state-of-the-art technology, 4D Food Printing (4DFP) creates complex food structures with a range of flavors, textures, forms, and nutrients that may change their physicochemical properties across time and space in response to different stimuli. This article provides a quick overview of the various 4D and 5D printing technologies that could be used in the food sector. Next, the elements influencing the functional performance of edible inks based on proteins are examined. Techniques for enhancing these inks’ functional performance such as protein changes that are physical, chemical, or enzymatic are also highlighted. Currently, creating 3D printed items with the right color, shape, flavor, and nutritional properties is the main objective of 4D food printing applications. This article reviews and discusses the principles and possible applications of the newest additive manufacturing technologies, including 4D and 5D printing. Up till now, 4D food printing applications have mostly concentrated on enhancing the nutritional value, color, texture, and form of 3D printed items. 5D printing has the ability to build incredibly complex structures with greater strength and less material use than existing 3D and 4D printing techniques. It is expected that these new technologies will lead to future developments in all areas, including the production of superior food items that are not achievable with the processing technologies now in use.
Finding the industrial potential for 4D printing and advancing innovation with 5D printing are the main goals of this research. Nowadays, obtaining the appropriate nutritional properties, color, shape, and texture of 3D printed goods are the main objectives of 4D food printing applications. Notably, compared to 3D and 4D printing, 5D and 6D printing have the ability to create incredibly intricate structures with less material and more strength.
Utilization of Electroactive Bacteria in Microbial Fuel Cells for Bioremediation and Their Applications in Natural Ecosystems
Many microorganisms found in the natural world have evolved systems for transferring electrons away from the cell surface. This electron transfer enables these bacteria to be used in bio-electrochemical systems like microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and microbial electrosynthesis (MES). Electroactive bacteria (EAB) are distinguished in these applications by their ability to transport electrons from the microbial cell to an electrode, or vice versa, in place of their natural redox partner. Overall, the use of electroactive organisms in BES opens up the possibility of developing efficient and sustainable processes for producing energy, bulk, and microcompounds. In this article, we compare and contrast the key microbiological characteristics of several EABs.
Morphological traits, habitat diversity and genetic framework of Bauhinia genus
The Bauhinia genus, belonging to the family Leguminosae (subfamily Caesalpinioideae), is the largest group under the tribe Cercideae, with approximately 300 species. These species have a variety of morphological characteristics, such as crescent-shaped hilum, bilobed funiculus, bifoliate leaves, and zygomorphic flowers, and they grow as trees, shrubs, lianas, and herbs. Despite its importance, detailed studies on Bauhinia as a single issue are scarce, frequently eclipsed by classifications of its extremely polymorphic members. The genus, known by numerous names around the world—including “Orchid Tree” in English and “Kachnar” in Hindi—has significant ecological, nutritional, and therapeutic importance, as recorded in both traditional Ayurveda and modern studies. Bauhinia species are found in North America, the Asian subcontinent, and tropical climates worldwide. Bauhinia species are native to the Himalayan areas of India. Bauhinia species, which are native to India’s Himalayan areas, flourish in a variety of soil types, from clayey to sandy, and are resistant to waterlogging and moderate saline levels. The genus contains important species such as B. variegata, B. purpurea, and B. vahlii, each with distinct morphological and ecological characteristics. Advances in genomic profiling have revealed evolutionary pathways within Bauhinia, as well as links with allied genera like Cercis and different genomic markers. Tools and bioinformatics software such as MUSCLE, IQTree, and BUSCO have made thorough molecular analysis possible, revealing genetic diversity and phylogenetic links.
Dynamic Inventory Management Model for Deteriorating Items: A Stochastic Approach
Effective inventory management is crucial across various sectors such as food, ware-housing, and agriculture. This paper presents a dynamic stochastic inventory control
model for deteriorating items, incorporating both linear and nonlinear time dependen-cies in demand and deterioration rates. The model recognizes the inherent uncertain-
ties in demand patterns and deterioration processes, reflecting real-world complexities. Central to this study is the collaborative relationship between merchants and con-sumers, essential for modern business dynamics. The objective is to determine the optimal ordering policies for consumers over the replenishment cycle to maximize ex-
pected total profit for both parties. Analytical modeling is employed to derive optimal solutions, and a comparative analysis of expected profits under collaborative and non-collaborative scenarios is conducted. A numerical example is provided, along with a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of varying parameters on the optimal policy outcomes.
Advanced Multi-Compartmental Mathematical Modeling of Drug Pharmacokinetics with Stochastic Diffusion Processes and Machine Learning Integration
This paper presents an innovative mathematical framework for modeling drug pharmacokinetics through a multi-compartmental stochas- tic approach integrated with machine learning. We extend traditional compartmental models by incorporating non-linear diffusion processes, stochastic differential equations, and patient-specific parameters. The model demonstrates improved prediction accuracy (91.8% vs. 85.6% in traditional models) and provides robust frameworks for personal- ized medicine applications. Results show significant improvements in drug concentration predictions and clinical outcomes, with a 28% re-duction in adverse events.
Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Cassia tora Linn. (Fabaceae): A Comprehensive Review
Universally therapeutic plants are key foundations of new drugs and at high speed, they are disappearing. Modern drug discovery is grounded on the traditional facts of therapeutic plants. As stated by WHO (World Health Organization), in developing countries 80% of people rely on herbal drugs for their initial healthcare. This review discusses the therapeutic potential of Cassia tora Linn. It is a widely known plant and is popular in India and other tropical countries. Different parts (leaves, seeds, and roots) of the plants are well known for their therapeutic potential. Cassia tora is a plant with a variety of active components, including anthraquinones, which are aromatic organic compounds. The leaves hold anthraquinones and are used as a paste for treating childhood teething, fever, and constipation. Traditionally, this is widely used as a remedy for the treatment of hypertension, cough, stomach problems, diabetes, skin disorders, etc. Seeds have also been recognized as eyesight boosters. Considering these facts, it has a wide range of medical applications that can be explored further with proper research.